We offer a wide variety of courses for many different audiences with academic proposes.


Welcome to Minerva Academy of Lifelong Learning, an online hub for stimulating, dynamic, engaging, and informative lifelong learning courses. Lifelong learners study for their own reasons, following their curiosity where it takes them rather than jumping through hoops or meeting expectations set by others.

Minerva’s offerings are designed to draw learners of every age into sophisticated, critical dialogue. We address learners who do not want to be condescended to and instead appreciate the exposure to current scholarship and new, challenging ideas, especially when it is relevant to understanding the world around us and when the material is presented in accessible but detailed and intelligent ways.

I can’t begin to express the deep transformation that occurred in every aspect of my life

Rebecca Night

Foundation in the state of the current scientific knowledge of climate change.

Courses for healthcare for doctors, nurses,or physician assistants.